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Bonnie de l'équipe Animalin


Le Centre Animalin - certifié Qualiopi - est engagé, depuis 30 ans, dans l'utilisation des méthodes respectueuses du bien-être des chiens à travers l'information et les formations dispensées par Catherine Collignon, pionnière en son domaine en France, Nicolas Ducasse, professionnel de l'éducation canine et Sylvie Pedroni, éducatrice de chien et formatrice externe.

General content of this training

Scientific laws of learning applied to everyday life

Method of education of the
clicker training

Through this method recognized to promote the learning of our pet dogs, you will learn to use the different rewards, social and taste, to optimize the educational cooperation of dogs and the impact of motivation on learning. The notion and exercise of timing will also be transmitted to you in the use of this educational method.

The scientific laws that govern positive learning are fundamental to understanding the concept of conditioning and the impact of reinforcements and punishments on behavior. Its daily applications will allow you to better define the learning mechanisms in dogs.

For whom?

Open to dog professionals in order to acquire additional information to optimize their professional practice; to future educators in order to obtain the theoretical and practical knowledge essential to practice as a future professional in education and behavior; to dog owners, wishing to go in depth in the educational and behavioral understanding of their dog, to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for the optimization of their relationship with their dog.

Important information

Our courses are supported by video supports and slideshows. The course content may be slightly modified to optimize teaching. We pay particular attention to practice and our theoretical courses reflect a reality on the ground. The dog trainer training is divided into 4 sessions. Each session contains theoretical and practical modules, progressive and interdependent. At the end of the 4 sessions, a training certificate may be given to you. This condition will be subject to the evaluation of Catherine Collignon and Nicolas Ducasse who throughout the sessions will inform you on the points to be deepened if necessary and will be transparent about your ability to practice as a professional. You are then free to continue or stop along the way if their opinions should be unfavorable at the end of a session.

Important information

Our courses are supported by video supports and slideshows. The course content may be slightly modified to optimize teaching. We pay particular attention to practice and our theoretical courses reflect a reality on the ground. The dog trainer training is divided into 4 sessions. Each session contains theoretical and practical modules, progressive and interdependent. At the end of the 4 sessions, a training certificate may be given to you. This condition will be subject to the evaluation of Catherine Collignon and Nicolas Ducasse who throughout the sessions will inform you on the points to be deepened if necessary and will be transparent about your ability to practice as a professional. You are then free to continue or stop along the way if their opinions should be unfavorable at the end of a session.

The trainers

Le Centre Animalin

Le Centre Animalin est engagé, depuis plus de 30 ans, dans l'utilisation des méthodes respectueuses du bien-être des chiens à travers l'information et les formations dispensées par Catherine Collignon, pionnière en son domaine en France et qui depuis 14 ans forme un binôme professionnel incontournable avec Nicolas Ducasse.

Le Centre Animalin a voulu ouvrir ces modules à un nombre maximum de 10 participants, choix qui engendre une exigence quant à la tenue et à la représentation des apprenants pendant la formation, en dehors de la formation et pendant l'exercice de leur métier.

Le métier d'Éducateur.trice de chien

Le métier d'éducateur de chiens de compagnie est un métier passionnant mais difficile, que cela soit d'un point de vue humain que techniquement parlant. Il nous incombe la responsabilité d'harmoniser au maximum l'intégration du chien dans son environnement familial, nous sommes en quelque sorte les porte-paroles des chiens, ils comptent sur nous ainsi que leurs maîtres pour les amener à vivre ensemble agréablement et harmonieusement.


Être éducateur demande de faire abnégation de ses propres chiens pour s'occuper principalement des chiens des autres, d'avoir une grande compassion envers les chiens mais aussi envers leurs maîtres, une profonde connaissance des chiens car l'éducateur est amené à interagir avec tous âges et tous types de chiens et à répondre de façon cohérente à tout type de demande.

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