Plants and natural care for my pet,
Veterinarian Dr. Céline Gastinet-Moussour
The use of plants to treat animals is gaining more and more interest today. In order to save us from the abusive use of synthetic molecules, this book opens the way to phytotherapies aimed at bringing comfort to our animals, improving their quality of life, and preserving their balance and health.
Edition: The Book Courier
ISBN: 978-2-7029-0721-4 - 260 pages - 21.30 euros
Plants and natural care for my pet, Céline Gastinet
Céline Gastinel-Moussour graduated from the veterinary school of Lyon. She uses plants to treat her animal patients. She has been writing since 2009 to share her knowledge with all lovers of dogs, cats, horses, etc. Her knowledge of plants and animals has led her to build a large photographic database. She shares her passions and her life as a veterinarian on her blog: