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Authentic Bach Flowers - Find Them, Identify Them, Use Them - Mechthild Scheffer

Imagine going to meet Bach Flowers in their natural environment. But how do you find and recognize a Bach flower, and how do you be sure that it is the right species? With this practical guide, you will find a description of their natural habitat and learn how to identify them with certainty.

The first nature guide to the 38 authentic Bach flowers.

Numerous precise descriptions accompanied by color photos and drawings.

Medici Editions

2017 - 190 pages - 15 euros - Dim.: 130 x 190 mm

ISBN: 978-2-85327-638-2

Authentic Bach Flowers, Mechthild Scheffer

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  • Edward Bach honored the plants that were named after him as personalities. He studied them in depth on site, because the natural habitat of a plant, the time it flowers and how it flowers are all aspects that influence its therapeutic effect. Thus, discovering and knowing a Bach flower in depth in nature means better understanding its mode of action.

    • How to find a Bach flower?
    • Description of its natural habitat
    • How can I identify it with certainty?
    • In what moods can a Bach flower be useful to me?
    • Useful supplement: Detailed index for quick help in the event of a challenge or even psychological stress

    180 photos and 90 color drawings to identify its botanical characteristics. Clear and easily understandable explanations of the modes of action.

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