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Discover or explore the discipline of olfactory research through the technique of detection on human presence and our different approaches and themes.

What is human presence detection?

Detection is an olfactory research method that involves teaching a dog to locate and designate an odor. The Animalin Center, with Nicolas Ducasse as its main trainer, has chosen to focus its detection courses on the odor of a human presence in a defined area, whether this presence is static or moving, both day and night and regardless of the weather and environment.

A type of search without any reference smell at the start

Due to its natural abilities and depending on the environment, the dog will be able to use the technique of quest or tracking to reach its objective. This is also what some dogs use spontaneously when they hunt, switching alternately from the track to the quest or vice versa. The dog will be allowed to leave a track to go on a quest to reach its objective as quickly as possible, which will be the detection and designation of one or more human presences, within a defined perimeter, whether static or moving.

Without a reference odor, there are no bad designations on the part of the dog. Depending on the scenario and the number of human presence on the defined perimeter, it will be up to the master to relaunch his dog to reach the final objective. This is where the term "pair" takes on its full meaning. Depending on the environment and the scenario, the dogs will be able to carry out, in turn, their detection on a leash or in free.

Why did we choose our themes associated with detection?

In addition to providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to introduce you to and improve your detection skills through the various themes offered; our courses also aim to prepare you for our annual event, which will take place over 5 days next June at Lac de la Gimone in the Gers department (32).

The 5 days will be broken down as follows: 3 days of preparation adapted to the level of the dog and human participants with a review of the themes developed during the year in the form of a rally-raid,   2 days with challenges with role-playing and life-size restitution of the content of our detection and thematic courses.

To participate in our event, there is no obligation to have completed our thematic detection courses.   If you have participated in our 6 detection courses with themes, you can, unless you choose otherwise, register directly for the 2 days of challenge with role-playing and restitution without participating in the 3 days of preparation.   You can also decide to participate in our themed courses without participating in our event just for the pleasure of learning or improving your detection skills in the theme you have selected.

Detection and avalanche

Human presence detection technology and driving in snowy environments.

February 7, 8 and 9, 2025



1ère demi-journée

  • Accueil 

  • Analyse des personnalités canines,

  • Si votre chien a déjà pratiqué la recherche : évaluation du binôme en recherche par la mise en place d’une détection afin de pouvoir adapter le niveau des différents exercices.

  • Si votre chien n'a jamais pratiqué la recherche : évaluation du binôme pour une bonne mise en route de la détection.

On hold

Waiting for content


2ème et 3ème journées

  • Mise en place et découverte de la recherche, en fonction de votre chien

  • Exercices de recherche : votre chien sera initié ou perfectionné à la détection de présence humaine sans indice de référence de départ, dans un périmètre défini. Il apprendra de sa propre initiative à choisir la technique de la quête ou du pistage en fonction de ses aptitudes naturelles et/ou de la situation

  • Pour le maître, un apprentissage de conduite d'intelligence situationnelle avec divers scénarios sera proposé

  • Apprendre à conduire en libre et en longe et à décider de la bonne opportunité de l'une ou l'autre des conduites en fonction de l'environnement

  • Recherche sur personne en mouvement et en statique

Nota : Tous les exercices pratiques sont adaptés tout au long du stage au niveau de votre chien. Vous serez répartis en groupe et par atelier vous permettant d’alterner les exercices d’obéissance et de recherche.  Vous repartirez avec les outils nécessaires pour augmenter et stabiliser les critères abordés pendant le stage.

Pour qui ?

For anyone wishing to introduce or improve their dog's ability to detect human presence. Dogs aged between 1 year and 10 years maximum. Course not suitable for dogs with major behavioural problems (aggression, phobia). If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us.

Additional information

The reference trainers and assistants

Nicolas Ducasse et Catherine Collignon ; Tatiana Brebion, Cyril Legendre et Paul Candau


Val Louron Ski Resort (65)


February 7, 8 and 9, 2025


2.5 days - Number of hours: 18 hours


1er jour : 12h - 17h / Autres jours : 9h30 - 17h30

Amount in self-financing

390 €

Amount with request for support

430 €

Request for quote or internship agreement

Inscription en ligne

30% à titre de réservation : 105€

Participation limitée

12 participants - 1 dog/participant - (from 10 to less than 10 participants, only the referent trainers will be present

Meals and accommodation

Not included


Physical condition for the driver: have the ability to walk on snowy terrain whatever the weather. Ski clothing required.

For dogs in general: having a dog that can jump, run on any terrain without the risk of pain linked to a skeletal problem.

If in doubt, contact us by email , giving us your telephone number.


For all research disciplines, there are waiting times, we strive during our internships to ensure that these waiting times are reduced as much as possible, but it will still be necessary to consider it.

Detection, obedience and crossing

The technique of detecting human presence and driving through obedience and obstacle exercises, for optimization of the team's movement within the environment.

April 11, 12 and 13, 2025

2024 Satisfaction Survey

Overall rating 100% very satisfied
Out of 11 points assessed: 99% very satisfied - 1% satisfied



1st half day

  • Welcome

  • Analysis of canine personalities,

  • Evaluation of research pairs and their relationship

Obedience practice

2nd and 3rd days

  • Walking on a leash and without a leash

  • The fixed remainder (held in place while lying down)

  • Recall with and without distraction

  • Getting used to the attachment

  • Backward

  • Remote driving

Crossing and driving

2nd and 3rd days

  • Height and length obstacles

  • Driving over obstacles

  • Blocking on obstacle

  • Controlling the pace of a series of obstacles

  • Driving with situational intelligence on obstacles

  • Analysis of obstacle learning and its dangers

  • Zipline desensitization and habituation plus carrying bag


2nd and 3rd days

  • Setting up exercises around detection based on your dog,

  • Detection exercises: Your dog will be introduced to or improved in detecting human presence without any initial reference index, within a defined perimeter. He will learn on his own initiative to choose the technique of searching or tracking according to his natural abilities and/or the situation.

  • For the master, situational intelligence driving training with various scenarios will be offered

  • Learn to drive freely and on a lead and decide whether one or the other is appropriate depending on the environment

  • Detection of moving and static people

Note: All practical exercises are adapted throughout the course to the level of your dog. You will be divided into groups and workshops allowing you to alternate between crossing, driving and detection exercises. You will leave with the necessary tools to increase and stabilize the criteria covered during the course.

For whom?

A toute personne désireuse de faire découvrir ou de perfectionner son chien à la recherche sur présence humaine. Chien âgé de 1 an minimum jusqu'à 10 ans maximum. Stage non adapté aux chiens présentant des problèmes de comportements majeurs (agressivité, phobie). En cas de doute n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Additional information

The reference trainers and assistants

Nicolas Ducasse and Catherine Collignon; Tatiana Brebion, Cyril Legendre and Paul Candau


Val Louron Ski Resort (65)


11, 12 et 13 avril 2025


2,5 jours - Nombre d'heures : 18 heures


1er jour : 12h - 17h / Autres jours : 9h30 - 17h30

Amount in self-financing

390 €

Amount with request for support

430 €

Request for quote or internship agreement

Online registration

30% for reservation: €117

Limited participation

12 participants - 1 dog/participant (for fewer than 10 participants, only the trainers will be present)

Meals and accommodation

Not included


Physical condition for the driver: have the ability to walk for 1 hour continuously without stopping at your own pace.

For dogs in general having a dog that can jump, run on any terrain without the risk of pain related to a skeletal problem.

If in doubt, contact us by email , giving us your telephone number.


For all research disciplines, there are waiting times, we strive during our internships to ensure that these waiting times are reduced as much as possible, but it will still be necessary to consider it.

Detection and transport

The technique of detecting human presence and different means of transport, for optimizing the movement of the team within the environment.

May 23, 24 and 25, 2025



1st half day

  • Welcome

  • Analysis of canine personalities,

  • Evaluation of research pairs


2nd and 3rd days

  • Means of transport depending on the location and type of travel.

  • Zipline with master and without master

  • Abseiling with a dog

  • Pick-up car with owner and without owner with or without transport box

  • Water transport by boat


2nd and 3rd days

  • Setting up exercises around detection based on your dog,

  • Detection exercises: Your dog will be introduced to or improved in detecting human presence without any initial reference index, within a defined perimeter. He will learn on his own initiative to choose the technique of searching or tracking according to his natural abilities and/or the situation.

  • For the master, situational intelligence driving training with various scenarios will be offered

  • Learn to drive freely and on a lead and decide when one or the other is appropriate depending on the environment

  • Detection of moving and static people

Note: All practical exercises are adapted throughout the course to the level of your dog. You will be divided into groups and workshops allowing you to alternate between driving, camp preparation and detection exercises. You will leave with the necessary tools to increase and stabilize the criteria covered during the course.

For whom?

For anyone wishing to introduce or improve their dog's ability to detect human presence. Dogs aged between 1 year and 10 years maximum. Course not suitable for dogs with major behavioural problems (aggression, phobia). If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us.

Additional information

Les formateurs référents et assistants

Nicolas Ducasse and Catherine Collignon; Tatiana Brebion, Cyril Legendre and Paul Candau


Loudenvielle "The Wolf's Step" and surroundings Louron Valley (65)


23, 24 et 25 mai 2025


2.5 days - Number of hours: 18 hours


1er jour : 12h - 17h / Autres jours : 9h30 - 17h30

Amount in self-financing

390 €

Montant avec demande de prise en charge

430 €

Request for quote or internship agreement

Online registration

30% for reservation: €117

Limited participation

12 participants - 1 dog/participant (for fewer than 10 participants, only the trainers will be present)

Meals and accommodation

Not included


Condition physique pour le conducteur : avoir la capacité de marcher 1h en continu sans s'arrêter à son propre rythme. 

Pour les chiens en général avoir un chien qui peut sauter, courir sur tout terrain sans risque de douleur liée à un problème de squelette. 

En cas de doute nous contacter par mail en nous indiquant votre numéro de téléphone.


For all research disciplines, there are waiting times, we strive during our internships to ensure that these waiting times are reduced as much as possible, but it will still be necessary to consider it.

Votre avis nous intéresse

Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis avec nous.

Detection and obedience

Béatrice Brillet (jeudi 21 mars 2024 09:05)

2.5 days in the Pyrenees with the Animalin team. Lots of learning and exchanges. Dogs always as amazing as they are intelligent

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